With John Felitto

How It Works
Open your book
and do the exercises
The 90-Day Game uses daily exercises to guide you through your journey. As you play, you change your core belief system and are encouraged through participation. Learning has never been so fun, easy and effective. If only life had thought of this sooner!
Play Mind Games
Activate your brain with
Mind Games Audio
Mind Games are mental exercises and provide your brain's attention system with clarity, stimulating creativity and idea generation. They enhance intuitive sensing, and foster a greater ease and flow.
Additionally, these audio exercises sooth your nervous system and put order to your mental chatter, yielding resilient staying power.
Mind Games enrolls your inner conscious mind harmoniously with your conscious mind. With this congruent alignment, you'll be drawn to take practical actions with confidence.

Mind Games soothe your nervous system and synchronize your emotions and thoughts with the practical actions you are taking within the creation process.
Why 90 Days?

Until recently, it was widely accepted that our brains were hardwired in beliefs and behaviors that could not be changed. The science of neuroplasticity has shown that repetition of thought, emotion, and behavior does indeed change the brain.
Ninety days has proven to be an effective time frame for sufficient repetition of attention and practices for making significant changes in attitude, perspective, and behavior. It also provides adequate time to build momentum and realize considerable progress.
Establishing any new behavior requires self-compassion. Just as you would not expect a child to hit a ball or ride a bike overnight, don't pressure yourself. Simply follow the game's track, and you'll accomplish great things. You have 90 days, so relax and play.
How It Works Even Better
Get the video series for more dynamic playing
Playing is easiest with coaching. The video companion option has John giving you all the insights – part by part as there are 13 Chapters and 9 Parts – so you don't miss a thing. It's a highly effective motivational tool to keep you playing and growing.
Now free on YouTube

Create What You Want
In the end, it is repetition that effectuates these changes, and this is true of our brains as well. Until recently, it was widely accepted that our brains were hard-wired in beliefs and behaviors that could not be changed. The science of neuroplasticity has shown that repetition of thought, emotion, and behavior does indeed change the brain. In the game, we are going to take a more experiential, pragmatic, light approach. We’re interested in creating what you want—not educating you in neuroscience.

Need to Talk?
Learn the life coaching system built for the real world of ups and downs
Phone Number: 845-826-4391 / Email: Team@90DayGame.com